Thursday, February 9, 2012

Put it in a File

Sometimes you try so hard to please others that you lose sight of whats important, YOU! I'm really talking about myself right now so let me vent....I am a very caring person so it comes natural for me to put others before me. I love to do for others because it makes me feel good. But sometimes i just feel so my efforts just go's not's not right....I don't complain i just put it in a file and let God deal with it...sometimes things aren't going to go our way...really most times things aren't going to go your way(but go God's way)...sometimes people aren't going to do what you want them to or say what you want them to have to learn to just put the little things in file and let God deal with it.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely agree. God asks us to be faithful to his word, but he never said that the journey would be easy. I've learned that the more difficult the trial the closer you are to your breakthrough. So I choose to look at the bumps along the way as my penitence to God for all the blessing everywhere else in my life. Great idea though so allow me to apologize ahead of time for stealing it.
