I have been a little mia lately because I just recently started my new job and I have been a little overwhelmed and busy. First off, all praises to God because I prayed for a job that I could use my personality to help people. One of my biggest passions in life is helping people by educating them. The correct title of my job is Home Parent Educator. My job entails a lot!!! My job is to inform teens of what they can reasonably expect of their child at each stage development. I help them be good observers of their child. I help them have fun with playing with their child or children, and show them age appropriate activities and materials. Babies are born to learn! My jobs goal is to help families with children from birth to age 3. We teach the parents that they are the child's first and best teacher! Aside from doing things for the child, I also connect them with resources and organizations that will help them meet their family's needs and goals. So this is pretty much an awesome job because I get to work with teens and children and impact their lives...soooooo....ill update later on when im really settled in. ps. I am a 23year old college grad with a full-time job making stacks now!!!!! and I have my own desk...I feel so important!!! Thank God for new beginnings.